Ta Da!!!! Look what we created! So, after 43 hours of labor (honestly it was very very easy - I do like epidurals in case you were wondering...), and 45 minutes of pushing, Anna Elise came with no complications Sunday the 22nd at 11:30am! I must be built for babyin', cause the whole ordeal was a breeze. Anna weighed 7 lbs 8 oz, and was 19 inches long - just perfect if you ask me. :) After 4 days, we've learned that she likes her hair brushed, but her bum left alone. She eats like a champ and belches like her mom, but we think she looks so much like her happy Daddy! Anyway, all is well; the Gardner Family is very excited, and we'll continue to keep all of you posted on new milestones!! Thanks to all for your help in getting Anna here successfully!
ahhh My beautiful little neice!! I thought she looked more like you in the first pictures... but now I'm not so sure... Maybe the Gardner genes are pushing though! Congrats guys LOVE YA!
She is addorable! Isnt it fun to see their personalities come through. Congrats.
I agree with Missy. She sure is cute. Love you guys.
Congratulations! Is she smiling already?!
What a beautiful baby, you guys did good. The Gardner genes do tend to come through strong most of the time! I do think she has some of her momma in her too. Way to go! Let the fun begin....
As adorable as she is... and she is... you need to include a picture of the BACK of her head to show off all of that hair! Love, Grandma Birch
Wow, she is cute! Congratulations!
You guys do good work. She's beautiful! On a side note, I agree that labor isn't that bad. It's after labor when you actually HAVE the baby that all the trouble starts. :) BUT--it is so worth it!
Hooray for Baby Anna. Carmen is already obsessed with looking at her pictures.
This is seriously one of my favorite pictures. Look at that cute little face!
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