Thursday, March 12, 2009

Not For the Faint of Heart

I just want to give kudos to our amazing daughter who just made an attempt at eating a wasp, and was unsuccessful. We've had a couple of wasps hanging out around our balcony lately, and I kill them as soon as I see them, but apparently, one ducked into our house without me noticing. Anyway, at some point this morning it became "mostly dead" and was laying on our floor - ready for Anna's investigation. I guess it's reflexes kicked in when a chubby hand picked it up and put it in an open mouth. Lo and behold - unhappy wasp - unhappy baby. She only screamed for a second or two while we were trying to figure out where it had gotten her (the culprit was in plain sight at that point...). The swelling showed up a minute or two later.
Anyway, she is doing fine, and the picture actually depicts a very grumpy girl, but she's actually all smiles this morning as usual! KUDOS big girl!!