Saturday, September 20, 2008


So, last week our hard drive crashed. Yay. We lost everything, which included all of our pictures (since 2004), all of Jared's school work, and my book (about 70 pages). Luckily, I had printed off a manuscript a few months ago, but unfotunately, all the changes I had made since then are gone. I think we are okay on Jared's school stuff; he didn't need too many of the old papers and whatnot. It would have been nice to keep those around, though. The saddest part is the pictures. I should have been printing them off every once in a while, but it was just so handy keeping them on our computer. I just feel bad that we lost all of Anna's first pictures, and there were a lot of them, but I guess we just move on and take more. I am glad that I started the blog; that was able to save some of our favorites. Anyway, such is life. Now we have a "happenin'" new laptop and I decided, based on some of Aaron's advice, to just restart my book. I think I've been trying too hard and my "voice" isn't coming through, so I'm working on just developing that writing skill. It has been fun. Well, that's really all the news I have for now, and sorry no pictures...


Sankat said...

Hey, this is Kat in the Olive ward. I was just wondering what you did with your old hard drive. My husband is a comptuer guy and use to work at a place that was able to get information off hard drives that crashed. I will look for you at Church tomarrow and let you know more. I feel so sad for your pictures!!! Make sure you back them up on CD this time ;)

SueAnn said...

That is a major bummer! You can have whatever pictures I have when you come we can have them printed off. My computer crashed a year ago and I went through the same thing, this time I bought a external hard drive for all my pictures, videos, and the most important things. It is WELL worth it!!! I am really excited to read your book.

Chad~Nicole said...

Ugh. We have an external hard drive too, but if something happened to that we'd be up a creek. I guess that's the downside to living in the technology age.

Rachel said...

Hey there! I am totally digging your blog! I am mostly in love with your baby. But I am also a little envious of your Sesame Street music. I think my worst nightmare just happened to you guys. I never want my computer to crash. This is Rachel O. by the way...

Sankat said...

I didn't see you at Church today, you can email me at sankat21 AT hotmail DOT com. My husband said, depending on what happened, he could get the information off your hard drive

Jenny said...

Sorry to hear your computer crashed, especially the loss of the pictures. Hopefully you might be able to recover some of them.