Sunday, September 21, 2008

6 Unspectacular Quirks

Okay Angie, this is for you. (p.s. we need another entry "dahling"...)

1. I am quite known for the way I completely butcher phrases and words. I definitely don't do it on purpose, but it just happens. For example, I was having a discussion at a Relief Society gathering with my mother and most of the Lambson Land Ladies. We were talking about how sour cream was such a nice addition to our meals once my family became wealthy enough to afford it, and I said something to the effect, "Yes, it was quite the delicatessen.." Yup, not delicacy like I meant, but it was a deli. I'm retarded.

2. I HATE having my ear folded backwards. It drives me bonkers. Sometimes Jared will tease me by holding me down as he folds them until I scream. It just weirds me out... I can't even have Anna's ears folded, I have to lay them flat.

3. I never had wisdom teeth. Actually, I'm even missing one molar on one side of my jaw.

4. When I swallow pills, I have to take only one at a time, and then I have a little system to get it down the gullet. First I put the pill in my mouth, take a large swig of water, swallow only a portion of it, then I do a little gesture with my hand before swallowing the rest with the pill. If I don't do that little boost-of-confidence gesture, I can't swallow it. Jared laughs at me as he takes his six pills without water...

5. I am afraid of bears. I love to be in the outdoors, and I love to camp, hunt, hike, etc., but if I have to spend the night somewhere, I take some sleep aids along. Heaven knows if I don't, I will just stay wide awake listening to every single noise imagining its a bear out to eat my family alive...

6. I love to organize. Give me tuberware bins, labels, and all your junk, and you could not believe how happy it could make me! There have been times when I felt a large amount of stress and seriously just wanted to go out and buy a whole bucket of beads just so I could organize them by size, shape, color, etc. It calms me in weird ways.

If anyone would also like to share 6 unspectacular quirks abou themselves, be my guest!


Molly said...

The pill thing had me laughing. Is it genetic? I just learned how to take pills this year, and I'm only able to do them one at a time, and I have to snap my fingers while I'm psyching myself up to swallow them!

SueAnn said...

That was fun to read... I knew most of them except the ear thing, that is interesting. Leave it to Jared to find something like that to bug you with!!

Chad~Nicole said...

Six pills? Without water? He's the weird one. Not you.

EmileeandJonny said...

haha, funny, I just got tagged for a different questionaire and tagged you on my blog- have fun filling out another one!

Michelle and Aaron said...

Haha I'm with you on the pill thing. Aaron is the 6 pills without water man as well. (I just threw up in my mouth thinking about it)

LauraB said...

I'm behind on my blog stalking! I'm laughing so hard right now - seriously, you'd feel the need to buy a bucket of bead JUST to organize them??