Friday, April 16, 2010

Bzzz and Eww

So, the other day, Jared and I spotted this fairly good sized bee hive in our tree in the front yard. It is a pretty young tree, so with the weight of the bees and hive, the tree was practically falling over. We watched it for two days as it got noticeably larger each day. We were about to spend a good amount of money to have it removed, but a pest control guy in our neighborhood said to try and give it one more day. He said that sometimes bees will nest for a short while and then realize that their location wasn't the best choice. They will just pick up and leave within a few days.

Thinking that we were going to probably end up losing most of our tree if we tried any other method, we decided to wait it out. The next day, they were gone, hive and all. I really wish I could have seen them complete the feat because this nest was larger than a 2 liter bottle, I can't fathom how they just took it all away in one afternoon! Either way, we are glad they moved and our tree and children are safe! :)

Anna has a little boyfriend in the neighborhood. They hate each other most of the time, but those few times when they get along, they are so cute. Here they are about to head out on the town in his hot new Ford truck. He obviously is excited. I thought it was so funny, he's totally thinking, "Eww..."

Emily is now rolling over, mostly when she's upset. She sits up really well for about 15 seconds as long as there is a toy or a big sister in front of her to focus on. Although taken with my phone camera, and not very good quality, I thought this picture of her was super cute.

Anna's hair is finally long enough to justify it being pulled back each day. She's not very patient with me, but it usually turns out pretty well. Here's a style I got a picture of the other day.

That's it for now. :)


Garth & Ashley Pedersen said...

Oh my gosh they are getting so big! And so cute! I so need to meet that little one of yours and see Anna! Miss you guys

SueAnn said...

1st of all, I love the hair do, nice work. 2nd of all I can't believe the bee story, that is crazy!! I would also love to have seen how they moved that bee hive in one day. Crazy!! :)

Lindsey Vance Parry said...

That beehive thing is crazy!! Your girls are so cute love the little ponytails!!