Monday, January 25, 2010

Post Continued

So here are more pictures for my previous post.
Y'know, I have a hard time catching Jared with a sincere smile in pictures, but put his beautiful baby girl in his arms and suddenly, that sincerity is undeniable. These girls have the best daddy ever!

The dress was amazing; I loved the simple elegance that it held. Emily looked so sweet in it. Thank you Mom for having such amazing talents and sharing them with my family!

Here are the four generations that were in my house at once! I just wish Grandpa Eddie could have made it, too! He is one spunky guy (see the post where he is feeding Anna about a year ago.) So, this is Jared's Dad and Grandma. Grandpa Eddie is Grandma Gardner's Father.

I just love that Anna is slowly becoming more photogenic! She is beginning to understand that poses are appropriate! :)

Check out that massive pony tail! It's like it needs 80 rubber bands just to keep it in place!


Tim said...

Wahoo for baby blessings! Emily's hair looks so blond with her rosy cheeks (she is every ounce a Birch in most of those pictures).

Lizzy Meppen said...

They are both so cute and blond! Congratulations by the way!

Jill said...

What a beautiful baby girl in a GORGEOUS dress!!! Emily is so cute--I love the picture of her smiling from ear to ear--too cute!!!
You look like you are doing awesome!!! We miss you!!!! Maybe when we move out to Gilbert in the next few months--we can hang out more often!!! :)
PS--Call me!!! I need you address-I've got a gift for Emily and I need to mail it to ya!

Graves Family said...

your new baby girl is so sweet!! im so excited for the newborn stage again. i can't believe that blessing dress. it is beautiful. that's totally the type of dress i want for my baby girl. pretty positive i will just spend a lot of money rather than make it. i'm so happy for you!