Monday, January 12, 2009


Well, it's happened I can't believe how the time gets away from me sometimes. Sorry there haven't been any posts as of late, and I don't really have any substantial excuses. Here is the latest: Jared continues to work hard at becoming the best nurse possible through schooling and work. He starts a new program in the summer that should prove exciting. He still works at the Arizona Heart Hospital full time and is a tremendous father. I am keeping busy with Anna and caring for our home and family (along with constant research for and slow development of my book). I love being a mother, more than I would have ever imagined. I attribute so much of my joy to having such a wonderful and enjoyable daughter. Anna will be seven months in a week or so, and I can't believe how big she is getting! She finally got her cranial band to help shape her head. It was just a little wide and slightly flat on the back, despite only spending her sleeping hours on her back. She'll wear the band for a few months, and so far, she doesn't seem to even notice it's there! She spends a great deal of her time these days trying to get her body to move the way she wants, and is quite successful at it! She pretty much can get to wherever she wants now, even though she's not officially crawling. She scoots, rolls, and army crawls around to reach her destination, which is usually one of the dog's tail or paw. Mary and PJ are forever loving toward her, and often curl up into a ball against her back as she plays with her touch and feel puppy book. I don't think that Anna will crawl for very long once she figures it all out. She's already pulling herself up on things in order to stand, but she doesn't know how to fall yet. She has a tendency to just lock her knees and tip over. Luckily, we have always been there to help. She continually makes verbal noises, but they aren't cute little coo's and ah's. It sounds like she is trying to mimic a wookie, vibrating the back of her throat. It's funny. Anyway, that's all we've been up to lately. Here are a couple of pictures:


EmileeandJonny said...

seriously that last picture of Ana and her daddy is just too cute!!!

SueAnn said...

They grow so fast!! What a cute family you are. That helmet is cute! I can't believe she is moving everywhere already, where does time go? Love ya!

Chad~Nicole said...

I love the family photo. Did you have a fan blowing your hair or is that the wind? :) Also...I must be out the loop or may have forgotten, but what is your book about?

Angie Madsen said...

oh she looks soo cute. I miss you guys. Her head band thing actually looks pretty cute on her. Well Love ya.

Graves Family said...

wow she looks like her daddy! i didn't know you were writing a book. More smart people need to be writing books, so thanks.

CDR said...

I love that last picture- her face is so sweet. Cindy's (Barker) husband is a nurse at the heart hospital too. His name is Brent Perkins.

Michelle and Aaron said...

Anna is ridiculously cute! I can't wait to meet her!

Tim said...

She is getting huge! It's crazy how fast they grow up. What book?