Monday, January 25, 2010

Blessing, Family and More

We were able to bless Emily while Jared's family was in town last week. It was such a great experience. The dress was handmade by my mother and was extremely beautiful. I will do two posts in order to fit all the pictures I wanted. Anyway, Here is the first family picture the Gardners have been able to do for probably a year. I am so pitiful when it comes to setting up family pictures; they just never seem to work out, but here is at least one that shows that we all do exist...

Anna has been having so much fun lately with the house, but sometimes still finds ways to get herself into trouble. I had a candy dish on this small ledge that Anna has never had anything out of before, but lo and behold, she seemed to find a way to get a hold of a treat.

Emily continues to be an amazing baby and seems to fit in with our family perfectly. She still sleeps at least eight hours in a row at night, with another four after a feeding. She has spoiled this mother completely! I still feel like a nap in the afternoon is needed while the girls sleep! One of her little quirks is that she never is silent during her sleep. She always makes a noise with each breath; most often it sounds like a purr, or moan, but the other day she was making almost the exact noise of a squeaky swing set. It was funny. Anyway, this must have been a pleasant dream...

Jared's dad, or Grandpa as he's more commonly known, completely spoiled Emily while they were here. I don't think she ever was put down if he was in the room! Those two were just two peas in a pod. I can't wait until she can ride a snowmobile - oh, the places they'll go!

Then, as the family left, so did the sunshine. Here is Anna's poor little car stuck in the middle of our yard lake. I guess she just didn't see all the road signs saying the area was flooded. Luckily, she was able to get a helicopter in the area to pick her up because that night, the wind blew so hard that the car ran into the wall. We had some dirty dogs that week. I should have taken a picture of the caked mud in our washroom. Yum.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll post more as I can! Thanks again Gardner family for visiting!


Boyd Fam said...

fun pictures!! Anna is so stinkin cute!! And you are SPOILED rotten as far as the sleeping goes! We are hoping for more sleep soon! :)MISS YOU GUYS!

Becca said...

Very fun and cute pictures. Wow, is all I can say for Emily sleeping through the night - I didn't know that could even happen!!
Thank you for your comment - it was very nice of you! It made me feel special.