Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well, Anna is almost four months old. She is now fairly stable with her sleep pattern: bed at 7, I wake her for a bottle around 10, and then she doesn't usually wake until 7. It's been VERY nice! She sits up on her own for maybe 2-5 seconds before falling over, but with support she does really well. She now giggles and shrieks when we play with her, and likes to talk when her hands are in her mouth (we'll have to fix that before she starts dating...). She rolls over still easily from belly to back and last week she did back to belly, but only once. She's such a big girl when we take her on walks; she doesn't even use the car seat in the stroller any more! Anyway, things are going very well!


br_oden said...

She is such a cutie. Aren't all those first milestones so much fun and full of anticipation!

SueAnn said...

They grow so stinkin' fast, it is amazing! I can't wait to see her again!

Becca said...

CAUTION: Keep the routine! We had an awesome sleeper - but no longer. I wish you luck!

BTW - Anna is so photogenic!

Birches said...

We don't use car seats anymore either! Not even in the car! The kids just roll around in the back like marbles in a Hungry Hungry Hippos game.


Lindsey Vance Parry said...

She is so cute, don't they grow so fast!?! I can't wait to get a full nights sleep, they are getting better though, I can see the light!!