Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ode to Pregnancy

Well folks, it has been a little while since I posted anything, so here goes...
I have more or less had an extremely easy pregnancy. I don't have much to compare it to, but all I can say is that it hasn't exactly been much of a stress. The only "occurrence" that interrupted the flow of things was a regrettable trip to Serrano's Mexican Restaurant that ended in over a week of food poisoning; otherwise no real complaints. I did, however, want to include a couple of pics that depict the only two "annoyances" that seem to persist. Luckily, these issues will go away (along with all of the weight, I'm sure...) when Anna finally decides to experience the world. First off: Edema...yay. This is my fat foot the day after helping my sister-in-law Lisa into her new Tucson home. I pushed a hole into the swelling and then snapped a picture. It's cute, I know... Secondly: Heartburn. This other picture is representing how my throat feels every day. Not just after spicy food, or laying down after eating, no no - this is every day. I think I've gone through 3 bottles of Pepcid and certainly 2 gallons of Tums. That, of course, then leads to anemia since antacids block your absorption of iron. Then come the restless legs at night... Anyway, it really has been all fun and games, but I just thought I'd share my two little complaints. You women that have ACTUAL complications - God Bless You!


Molly said...

You're a trooper! I can't believe that foot picture!

SueAnn said...

Wow-- that swelling is impressive!! Even more impressive are the painted toe nails!!

Boyd Fam said...

That picture made me laugh!!! WOW!!

Birches said...

Ha ha, nice cabbage patch doll feet!

So can you actually reach your toes, or does Jared do them?


Chad~Nicole said...

Thank goodness for Tums. Hang in there. The end is near...and then you'll have a whole new set of "problems." :)

Gardners said...

Thank you regarding the toenails...I actually have gotten into professional pedicures as of late. Not very typical of me, I know...however, I got tired of squishing Anna in half to reach my toes...